“To sacrifice more than aspiration, dare to teach the sun and the moon for a new day.” Mao Zedong this sonorous and powerful verse, passionately praised the revolutionary martyrs revolutionary heroism. It is precisely under the leadership of the Chinese Communist Party that numerous Chinese shrewd people are being benevolent and successful, hard-working and numerous revolutionary martyrs are casting their blood in exchange for the victory of the Chinese people’s revolutionary struggle. It is because they have built a triumphal door with their loyal bone. Blood pouring a happy flower. On the land of this heroic hero in Shanxi, too, numerous revolutionary martyrs vowed to turn their bodies to the twists and turns and shed light on new trails. After 25 years of hard struggle, they paid a huge sacrifice to bury the feudal warlords and all reactionary forces The rule in Shanxi reversed the world of Shanxi and ushered in a freshman in Shanxi that made the majority of Shanxi people