电影《黄河绝恋》的观赏点较多 ,我以为最值得回味的是其中两个看似“形象欠佳”的人物———“神泉寨”寨主和管家三炮。其人物个性的复杂丰富性 ,实在是令观众为之击掌。“神泉寨”寨主占山为王 ,独霸一方 ,与黑子 (八路军战士 )家族在纷争中丢掉了七条人命 ,家仇一直耿耿于
Movie “Love of the Yellow River,” the viewing point more, I think the most memorable is that two seemingly “poor image” of the characters - “Shenzhai Village” Walled and steward three artillery. The complex nature of its character rich, it is to make the audience applauded. “Shenzhai village” Walled Zhanshan king, dominate the party, and the sunspot (Eighth Route Army soldier) family in the dispute lost seven lives, family hate has been to