文章讨论基因工程技术及其伦理问题。分析科学伦理学(广义)与传统伦理学的区别,阐释科学伦理学的伦理决策模式,这一模式主要有五个步骤:描述的任务,定义伦理问题,界分可替代的行为过程,设想可能的结果,寻找最合适的。在此基础上,借鉴规范性研究的理论框架,结合不同的伦理学理论综合成为一个融贯的体系,按照义务论(第一层级)、功利主义(第二层级)和无知之幕的方法 (第三层级)的顺序,提出了科学伦理学的研究纲领。提出科学伦理学或基因伦理学的“目标是人,而不是超人”。
The article discusses genetic engineering and its ethical issues. This paper analyzes the difference between scientific ethics (generalized) and traditional ethics and expounds the ethical decision-making model of science ethics. There are five main steps in this model: the task of description, the definition of ethical issues, the behavioral process of substituting boundaries, The result, looking for the most suitable. On this basis, drawing on the theoretical framework of normative research and integrating different ethical theories into a coherent system, according to the methods of obligation theory (first level), utilitarianism (second level) and ignorance The third level), put forward the research program of scientific ethics. Put forward scientific ethics or gene ethics “the goal is human, not superman ”.