一、前言脑瘫(cerebral palsy,CP)是指脑损伤所造成的非进行性中枢运动障碍综合症,其合并障碍主要有智力落后(约占70%~80%)、语言障碍(30%~70%)、视障(55%~60%)、知觉障碍(40%~70%)、癫痫(14%~75%)、听障(5%)、严重的情绪障碍和学习障碍等。尽管当今的医学及相关科技已发展到相当的水平,医学发达国家的脑瘫发生率明显下降,但是脑瘫仍然是医学界的世界级难题。我国儿童中,脑瘫的发生率在3‰以上,发达国家的这一比率在2‰以下,甚至更低,这说明我国在该领域的
I. INTRODUCTION Cerebral palsy (CP) refers to non-progressive central dyskinesia syndrome caused by brain injury. Its main obstacles include mental retardation (about 70% -80%), language impairment (30% -70 (55% -60%), perceptual disorders (40% -70%), epilepsy (14% -75%), hearing impairment (5%), severe mood disorders and learning disabilities. Although today’s medical and related technologies have been developed to a considerable extent, the incidence of cerebral palsy in medical-advanced countries has dropped significantly. However, cerebral palsy remains a world-class medical problem. Among children in our country, the incidence of cerebral palsy is over 3 ‰, while that of developed countries is below 2 ‰, which is even lower, indicating that our country has a