一、概述(一)地理新西兰位于澳大利亚西南方向1920公里的太平洋海域,它由北岛和南岛两个主要岛屿以及其他相邻的一些较小岛屿组成,其陆地领土总面积有268 680平方公里,海洋领土总面积达4 083 744平方公里。(二)人口新西兰共有460万人口,大部分是英国移民后裔。此外,15%的人口是新西兰原住民——毛利族,7%的人口来自太平洋上的其他岛国。自18世纪以来,亚洲移民就开始不断迁往新西兰,目前这些人口占新西兰总人口的9%。奥克兰市是一个太平洋岛屿聚居区,也是新西兰最大的城市。
I. OVERVIEW A. Geography New Zealand is located in the Pacific Ocean about 1,900 km southwest of Australia. It consists of two main islands, the North Island and the South Island, and other adjacent smaller islands. Its total land area covers 268,680 km2 The total area of the marine territory amounts to 4,083,744 square kilometers. (B) of the population New Zealand a total of 4.6 million people, most of whom are descendants of British immigrants. In addition, 15% of the population is New Zealand’s Aboriginal Maori - 7% of the population is from other island countries in the Pacific Ocean. Since the 18th century, Asian immigrants have started to move to New Zealand, which currently accounts for 9% of New Zealand’s population. Auckland is a Pacific Islander community and the largest city in New Zealand.