丽江纳西族自治县地处长江上游的金沙江林区 ,地理座标为北纬2 4°36′~ 2 7°4 6′,东经 99°2 3′~ 10 0°32′ ,是青藏高原东南边缘、横断山区向云贵高原过渡的地段。由于金沙江及其支流强烈地侵蚀下切 ,形成了山高谷深、河流交错的地形地貌。境内海拔最高点在玉龙雪山主
Lijiang Naxi Autonomous County is located in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River in the Jinsha River forest area, the geographical coordinates of latitude 2 4 ° 36 ’~ 27 ° 4 6’, longitude 99 ° 2 3 ’~ 10 0 ° 32’ is the southeastern margin of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau , Hengduan Mountains to Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau transitional section. Due to the intense erosion of the Jinsha River and its tributaries, a topographic and terrain characterized by deep valleys and rivers is formed. The highest point in the territory of Yulong Snow Mountain Lord