《中华人民共和国反不正当竞争法》已于1993年12月1日起开始实施。什么叫不正当竞争呢?不正当竞争有广义和狭义之分。 广义不正当竞争,泛指一切违反商业道德和善良风俗,特别是违反有关法律规定而从事商品生产经营的行为,大致可以分为三类:第一类是垄断行为,主要是指经营者自己或通过企业兼并等形式,形成对一定市场的独占或控制;第二
The Law of the People’s Republic of China on Anti-Unfair Competition has been implemented since December 1, 1993. What is unfair competition? Unfair competition has a broad and narrow sense. Broad sense of unfair competition, refers to all violations of business ethics and good customs, especially in violation of relevant laws and regulations engaged in commodity production and management can be broadly divided into three categories: The first category is monopolistic behavior, mainly refers to the operators themselves or Through corporate mergers and other forms, the formation of a certain market monopoly or control; second