Sheng-Mai-San attenuates contractile dysfunction and structural damage induced by chronic intermitte

来源 :Chinese Journal of Natural Medicines | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jick85726
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Sheng-Mai-San(SMS), a well-known Chinese medicinal plant formula, is widely used for the treatment of cardiac diseases characterized by deficiency of Qi and Yin syndrome. A mouse chronic intermittent hypoxia(CIH) model was established to mimic the primary clinical features of deficiency of Qi and Yin syndrome. Mice experienced CIH for 28 days(nadir 7% to peak 8% oxygen, 20 min per day), resulting in left ventricle(LV) dysfunction and structure abnormalities. After administration of SMS(0.55, 1.1, and 5.5 g·kg-1·d-1) for four weeks, improved cardiac function was observed, as indicated by the increase in the ejection fraction from the LV on echocardiography. SMS also preserved the structural integrity of the LV against eccentric hypotrophy, tissue vacuolization, and mitochondrial injury as measured by histology, electron microscopy, and ultrasound assessments. Mechanistically, the antioxidant effects of SMS were demonstrated; SMS was able to suppress mitochondrial apoptosis as indicated by the reduction of several pro-apoptotic factors(Bax, cytochrome c, and cleaved caspase-3) and up-regulation of the anti-apoptosis factor Bcl-2. In conclusion, these results demonstrate that SMS treatment can protect the structure and function of the LV and that the protective effects of this formula are associated with the regulation of the mitochondrial apoptosis pathway. Sheng-Mai-San (SMS), a well-known Chinese medicinal plant formula, is widely used for the treatment of cardiac disease characterized by deficiency of Qi and Yin syndrome. A mouse chronic intermittent hypoxia (CIH) model was established to mimic the primary clinical features of deficiency of Qi and Yin syndrome. Mice experienced CIH for 28 days (nadir 7% to peak 8% oxygen, 20 min per day), resulting in left ventricle (LV) dysfunction and structure abnormalities. After administration of SMS ( 0.55, 1.1, and 5.5 g · kg-1 · d-1) for four weeks, improved cardiac function was observed, as indicated by the increase in the ejection fraction from the LV on echocardiography. SMS also preserved the structural integrity of the LV against eccentric hypotrophy, tissue vacuolization, and mitochondrial injury as measured by histology, electron microscopy, and ultrasound assessments. Mechanistically, the antioxidant effects of SMS were demonstrated; SMS was able to suppress mitochondrial apoptosis as indicate d by the reduction of several pro-apoptotic factors (Bax, cytochrome c, and cleaved caspase-3) and up-regulation of the anti-apoptosis factor Bcl-2. In conclusion, these results demonstrate that SMS treatment can protect the structure and function of the LV and that the protective effects of this formula are associated with the regulation of the mitochondrial apoptosis pathway.
划定楚河汉界  我和傅大波是一起摸爬滚打长大的发小,我们抄过对方的作业、掩护过彼此作弊,他给女生传的第一张小纸条是我编的词,我往男生课桌下塞巧克力是他把的风。大学毕业后,我们回到自己的城市,迅速找回久违的友情——我是他的女哥们儿,他是我的男闺密。  傅大波老早就对我半真半假地声明:“打小,我就知道你这个女文学青年对爱情的浪漫劲儿,你也知道我喜欢那种干练、不缠人的女人,所以,咱们都不是对方的菜。”我
那年秋天,我应聘失败,情绪十分低落,自卑迷蒙了我的双眼,总觉得自己很无能。父亲见状,本想安慰我几句,但他又不知道说什么。父亲是一个地地道道的农民,没有多少文化。一年四季,大部分的时间都在跟泥土打交道。并且父亲不是一个能说会道的人,很多时候,他鼓励我的方法就是一个眼神或是一个简单的动作。   第二天,父亲让我跟他一同下地。当然,他不是为了让我干活,而是让我分散一下注意力,缓解一下郁闷的心情。来到地