利用等离子体辅助分子束外延在P型砷化镓衬底上制备了ZnO异质结发光二极管.实验表明:GaAs与ZnO之间的氧化镜绝缘层能够有效改善器件光电性能 I-V特性的研究表明该器件具有良好的整流特性,开启电压为3 V,电致发光光谱由一个紫外发光峰和一个可见发光带构成,其来源分别为ZnO层中近带边缺陷以及深能级缺陷相关的辐射复合.“,”ZnO-based heterojunction light-emitting diodes have been fabricated on p-type GaAs substrate by plasmaassisted molecular beam expitaxy. An electron-blocking MgO layer between thin ZnO film and p-GaAs substrate plays a key role in improving performance of the diodes, Comparing with the n-ZnO/p-GaAs heterojunction, the ZnO/MgO/p-GaAs beterojunction shows a typical diode characteristic with a forward threshold voltage of 3 V. Electroluminescence measurement indicates that the ZnO/MgO/p-GaAs heterojunction has a visible emission band attributed to the defect-related recombination in the ZnO layer and an ultraviolet emission peak.