在云南松人工林中选择 9株样株 ,对文山松毛虫第 1代 45 0 0粒卵加以标记 ,经过幼虫、蛹和成虫不同虫期的存亡状况的跟踪观测 ,获取不同虫期的存活率 ,组建自然种群生命表。由生命表得出 ,文山松毛虫第 1代种群数量在很大程度上受外界环境条件制约 ,整个世代死亡率高达 99 87%。通过 30头第 1代幼虫室外套笼饲养、食叶量测定的结果表明 :幼虫期单虫的总食叶量为 4842cm ;不同龄期幼虫的单虫食叶量不同 ,1~ 3龄较少(为 6 0 1cm) ,5龄最多 (为 15 89cm) ,6龄次之 (为 1311cm) ,5~ 6龄为暴阶段。生命表组建和食叶量测定 ,为可持续控制文山松毛虫危害提供了依据。
In the Pinus yunnanensis plantation, 9 samples were selected to mark the 45 0 0 eggs of the 1st generation of Pinus mufosfurfatum. After different stages of larva, pupae and adult, the survival rate of different stages was observed and the survival rates at different stages were obtained , Set up a natural population life table. According to the table of life, the population of the first generation of Wenshan pine caterpillars is largely controlled by the external environmental conditions, and the mortality rate of the whole generation is as high as 99.87%. The results showed that the total leaf area of the larvae was 4842 cm. The larvae of different larvae had different numbers of leaf larvae and the number of larvae of 1 to 3 years (6 0 1cm), the 5th instar (1589cm), the 6th instar (1311cm), and the 5th to 6th instar stages. The establishment of life table and the determination of the amount of leaf food provide the basis for the sustainable control of Pinus densiflora cv.