丁举人在《孔乙己》中是一个未出场的人物,是虚写的形象,其作用笔者认为有以下三点: 一、深化对封建教育科举制度的批判 封建教育科举制度的本质及其在社会生活中所形成的后果如何,单靠孔乙己这一人物形象是很难加以全面展现的,而丁举人这一形象的设置,则起到比照、补充的作用,会更加深刻地展现出封建教育科举制度的特征的实质。 在封建社会里,知识分子是一个值碍重视的社会力量。历代封建统治阶级为了巩固其统治地位,总
Ding Juren is an unappearing figure in Kong Yiji and it is an imaginary image. The author believes that there are the following three points: 1. Deepening the criticism of the imperial examination system in feudal education The essence of the imperial examination system in feudal education and its role in society As for the consequences of life, it is difficult to fully demonstrate the character image of Kong Yiji alone. The setting of the image of Ding Ju is a function of comparison and supplementation, and will show more profound feudal education. The essence of the characteristics of the imperial examination system. In the feudal society, intellectuals are a social force that values them. The feudal ruling class in order to consolidate their dominance