本译文是托马斯·迈尔向 2 0 0 1年召开的欧洲社会民主主义学者论坛提交的论文。该论坛为德国、荷兰和奥地利三国社会民主党下属基金会主办 ,出席者是除英美外的欧陆有社会民主党背景的专家学者 ,他们对布莱尔的第三条道路进行了质疑 ,从各个方面探讨了新世纪欧洲社会民主主义的不同模式 ,提出了“多样化的第三条道路”概念。《多样化的第三条道路 :欧洲社会民主主义学者论坛文集》即为此次论坛的论文集。托马斯·迈尔为多特蒙德大学教授 ,是德国社会民主党著名理论家 ,曾是德国社会民主党 1 989年柏林基本纲领的主要执笔人之一 ,现任该党基本价值委员会副主席 ,艾伯特基金会政治教育学院院长 ,已发表了许多论述伯恩施坦修正主义和民主社会主义的理论著作。1 998年曾发表《社会民主主义的转型———走向 2 1世纪的社会民主党》 (殷叙彝译 ,北京大学出版社2 0 0 1年版 ) ,本文从基本价值观角度进一步阐发了欧陆社会民主主义的革新问题。
This translation is Thomas Mayr’s paper to the European Social Democratic Scholar Forum to be held in 2001. The forum was hosted by the Foundation for Social Democrats of Germany, the Netherlands and Austria. The attendees were European-American social-democratic background experts and scholars from outside Europe and the United States who challenged Blair’s third path and discussed new aspects from all aspects The different models of European social democracy in the 21st century put forward the concept of “the third road to diversification.” “The Third Road to Diversity: A Collection of European Socialist Scholars Forum” is a collection of essays in this forum. Thomas Meyer, a professor at the University of Dortmund, is a well-known German Social-Democrat theorist and one of the main authors of the German Social Democrats’ 1989 Berlin Basic Program. He is currently Vice-Chairman of the Basic Value Committee of the party, Dean of the Institute of Education has published many theoretical works on Bernstein revisionism and democratic socialism. In 1998, he published “Transformation of Social Democracy --- Social Democrats Towards the 21st Century” (translated by Yin Xuyi and Peking University Press 2001 edition). This article further elucidates the basic concepts of social democracy Innovation problem.