甲醛甲酚用于乳牙活髓切断术,通过临床观察和组织学研究都已取得了较好的效果。也有用于恒牙,初步观察有效.鉴于甲醛甲酚的生物毒性大,近年来有人主张用戊二醛代替甲醛甲酚作活髓切断术,从临床和组织学研究认为优于甲醛甲酚。笔者用2.5%戊二醛、氧化锌丁香油糊剂作118例恒牙活髓切断术,随诊复查78例,经1~1.5年的临床初步观察效果尚好。结合临床资料小结如下: 一、病例选择 1.深龋:去龋见穿髓范
Formaldehyde cresol tooth decapitation for primary teeth, through clinical observation and histological studies have achieved good results. Also useful for permanent teeth, the initial observation is effective. In view of the large biological toxicity of formaldehyde cresol, in recent years, some people advocate the use of glutaraldehyde instead of formaldehyde cresol for pulpotomy, from clinical and histological studies that superior to formaldehyde cresol. The author used 2.5% glutaraldehyde, zinc oxide clove oil paste for 118 cases of permanent pulp pulpotomy, followed up for review of 78 cases, after 1 to 1.5 years of clinical preliminary results are still good. Combined with clinical data are summarized as follows: First, the case selection 1. Deep caries: see the caries to wear pulp vanadium