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采用化学气相沉积和电子束物理气相沉积工艺在镍基单晶高温合金基体上制备了(Ni,Pt)Al/YSZ(Yttira stabilized zirconia,YSZ)热障涂层(Thermal barrier coatings,TBCs),研究了TBCs涂层在1100℃的循环氧化性能。结果表明,陶瓷涂层的剥落位置主要出现在热生长氧化物(Thermally grown oxide,TGO)层内部、TGO层/粘结层的界面或者粘结层表面下方几个微米处。试验过程中,粘结层表面晶粒尺度不规则分布、晶粒晶界“背脊”形貌残留、TGO层下方孔洞形成、陶瓷层内纵向裂纹贯穿延伸和TGO层内残余应力释放速率过快均是可能导致TBCs涂层过早剥落失效的主要原因。 (Ni, Pt) YTtira stabilized zirconia (YSZ) thermal barrier coatings (TBCs) were prepared by chemical vapor deposition and electron beam physical vapor deposition on a nickel-based single crystal superalloy substrate. Cyclic oxidation of TBCs coating at 1100 ℃. The results show that the exfoliation of the ceramic coating occurs predominantly within the thermally-grown oxide (TGO) layer, at the TGO layer / bonding layer interface, or several microns below the bonding layer surface. During the test, the grain size irregularly distributed on the surface of the adhesive layer, the grain boundary “ridge” remains, the hole below the TGO layer forms, the longitudinal cracks propagate in the ceramic layer and the residual stress release rate in the TGO layer Fast are the main reasons that lead to premature peeling off of TBCs coating.
近些年来 ,辽宁省肉牛生产一直呈现稳步发展的势头 ,各级政府重视发展肉牛业 ,广大农户饲养肉牛的积极性很高。肉牛的生产和销售形势与广大饲养者、经营者和消费者的切身利益
松针红斑病是国内检疫性病害 ,病原菌为松穴褥盘孢菌 ( Dothistroma piniHulbary)。它可危害松属 ( Pinus) 41个种 ,但在黑龙江省林区主要危害樟子松、红松和红皮云杉。苗圃
介绍了识别木材变色和腐朽的方式方法。 Introduced a way to identify wood discoloration and decay.