松针红斑病是国内检疫性病害 ,病原菌为松穴褥盘孢菌 ( Dothistroma piniHulbary)。它可危害松属 ( Pinus) 41个种 ,但在黑龙江省林区主要危害樟子松、红松和红皮云杉。苗圃内如果感染此病 ,可造成苗木减产或绝产。幼树被害后影响生长 ,严重者则可因感病而枯死。为有效地阻止其
Pine needle erythema is a quarantine disease in China, and the pathogen is Dothistroma piniHulbary. It can jeopardize 41 species of Pinus, but mainly Pinus sylvestris, Pinus koraiensis and Picea koraiensis in the forest area of Heilongjiang Province. Nursery infected if the disease can result in reduced production or abortion seedlings. Saplings affect the growth after being killed, while in severe cases they may die due to illness. To stop it effectively