Preliminary Study on Molecular Evolution of Tobacco Leaf Curl Geminivirus

来源 :Chinese Science Bulletin | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kary_yeah
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Leaf curl is a serious disease of tobacco in tropical and subropical regions. Itscausative agent is tobacco leaf curl geminivirus (TLCV)which can be transmitted bywhitefly (Bemisia tabaci) and infect many other plant species of Solanaceae andCaricaceae.The occurrence, host range and insect vector of TbLCV as well as itsserological reaction with monoclonal antibody of African cassava mosaic virus havebeen reported in China, and more recently, tobacco leaf curl disease has becomeendemic in southern areas. Here we first present the nucleotide sequence ofTbLCV coat protein (CP) gene and molecular evolutionary relationship with other Leaf curl is a serious disease of tobacco in tropical and subropical regions. Itscausative agent is tobacco leaf curl geminivirus (TLCV) which can be transmitted bywhitefly (Bemisia tabaci) and infect many other plant species of Solanaceae andCaricaceae.The occurrence, host range and insect vector of TbLCV as well as its serological reaction with monoclonal antibody of African cassava mosaic virus havebeen reported in China, and more recently, tobacco leaf curl disease has becomedemic in southern areas. Here we first present the nucleotide sequence of TBLCV coat protein (CP) gene and molecular evolutionary relationship with other
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