Baby recuperation refers to 0 to 3 years old this pre-school rearing work. In the early 1980s, our country put forward the education guideline of “protecting as a foundation, combining education with education, and developing all-roundly”. The content of its work should include the following aspects. 1. Do a good job in health care, disease prevention, provide a wealth of nutrition, carry out various sports activities and physical exercise suitable for age characteristics, with the development of action, enhance physical fitness and ensure normal growth and development. Physical development of babies is particularly rapid in the first two years of life and slightly slower in the third year. Height, weight, head circumference, chest are in a sharp increase. Disease and lack of nutrition will directly affect the child’s development and intellectual development, and indirectly affect the formation of good personality. Severe malnutrition can cause mental retardation. To this end, we must do a good job vaccination of various diseases of infants, conscientiously implement the health care system, establish good health habits.