Wansheng District of Chongqing Municipality is one of the frequent flood and flood disasters. In recent years, the District People’s Armed Forces has organized the militia to conduct flood fighting and rescue missions on many occasions. In practice, the basic characteristics, action guidance, command and coordination, and comprehensive protection against floods and rescue have been systematic In conclusion, their experience has been fully recognized by their superiors. I. Grasp the Characteristics of Operations and Enhance the Organizational Directivity Due to the wide range of floods and disasters, high frequency and great harm, the operation of flood and rescue operations is significantly distinctive. First, the task of sudden strong target area wide. Like other military, political and accidental emergencies, floods and disasters are characterized by sudden onset of operations, uncertainties in the area of operation and variability in the conversion of tasks. This requires the establishment of a smooth, sound and effective emergency command system, rapid decision-making, and fast