摘 要 依据人民币兑美元汇率的长期走势所示性态,对人民币汇率时序数据分段建立GARCH模型,实证检验了人民币汇率的波段动态特征.结果表明,人民币汇率时序数据不服从正态分布,波动具有明显的集聚性,序列前段波动长记忆性明显,中后期波动尖峰厚尾特性更加显著,依据分析,央行应采取适当的调控措施和平稳的汇改政策抑制人民币汇率过度波动.
关键词 GARCH模型;人民币汇率;波段动态特征
中图分类号 F82 文献标识码 A
Abstract The exchange rate, which always has an deep influence on macroeconomy, is an vital variable, and to understand the dynamic characteristics of the exchange rate is important for a country’s economic research. We established the GARCH model in several segments for RMB exchange rate time series according to the longterm trend of the exchange rate of RMB against the US dollar so as to inspect the dynamic characteristics of the RMB exchange rate. The results show that the RMB exchange rate time series don’t subject to normal distribution and it is obvious that the volatility has the characteristic of agglomeration. Anterior sequence of the time series has long memory volatility characteristic and it is more significant that the late period sequence has aiguille large remaining part. According to the analysis, the central bank should take appropriate control measures and stable reform policies to restrain excessive volatility of the RMB exchange.
Key words GARCH model;RMB exchange rate;dynamic characteristics of stages
1 引 言
随着经济全球化、金融一体化的深化发展,国与国之间的联系愈发紧密,汇率作为宏观经济的重要变量,其在开放经济中的重要性日益突出,汇率波动由此成为政、商、研等各界共同关注的问题.我国自2005年7月21日起开始实施更有弹性的汇率制度,即以市场供求为基础、参考一篮子货币进行调节的有管理浮动汇率制,市场化程度的加强使得人民币汇率波动相比汇改前更加剧烈,据统计,自2005年汇改以来人民币对美元汇率累计升值已超过30%,年平均升值幅度达3.27%,而2014年人民币对美元汇率出现了自2005年汇改以来的首次年度贬值,全年贬值幅度超过3%[1].长期以来,对外贸易顺差是拉动我国经济腾飞的三驾马车之一,剧烈的汇率波动无疑会对国际贸易产生重大影响,增加微观进出口企业风险,破坏国内宏观经济环境稳定,汇率波动引致的大量资本流动还促成了金融危机在国际间的传导,恶化了国内投资环境,因此,研究汇率的波动特征对于抑制汇率过度波动、稳定国家经济具有重要意义.另一方面,人民币在国际化的道路上大步向前,Barry Eichengreen教授认为货币分立已打破美元一币独大的局面,中国新时代不断深化的金融改革正将人民币推向世界.越来越多的国际投资者开始关注人民币,研究人民币汇率的波动性态,促进人民币的稳定性对于吸引国际投资者、加速人民币国际化具有重要的战略意义.
关键词 GARCH模型;人民币汇率;波段动态特征
中图分类号 F82 文献标识码 A
Abstract The exchange rate, which always has an deep influence on macroeconomy, is an vital variable, and to understand the dynamic characteristics of the exchange rate is important for a country’s economic research. We established the GARCH model in several segments for RMB exchange rate time series according to the longterm trend of the exchange rate of RMB against the US dollar so as to inspect the dynamic characteristics of the RMB exchange rate. The results show that the RMB exchange rate time series don’t subject to normal distribution and it is obvious that the volatility has the characteristic of agglomeration. Anterior sequence of the time series has long memory volatility characteristic and it is more significant that the late period sequence has aiguille large remaining part. According to the analysis, the central bank should take appropriate control measures and stable reform policies to restrain excessive volatility of the RMB exchange.
Key words GARCH model;RMB exchange rate;dynamic characteristics of stages
1 引 言
随着经济全球化、金融一体化的深化发展,国与国之间的联系愈发紧密,汇率作为宏观经济的重要变量,其在开放经济中的重要性日益突出,汇率波动由此成为政、商、研等各界共同关注的问题.我国自2005年7月21日起开始实施更有弹性的汇率制度,即以市场供求为基础、参考一篮子货币进行调节的有管理浮动汇率制,市场化程度的加强使得人民币汇率波动相比汇改前更加剧烈,据统计,自2005年汇改以来人民币对美元汇率累计升值已超过30%,年平均升值幅度达3.27%,而2014年人民币对美元汇率出现了自2005年汇改以来的首次年度贬值,全年贬值幅度超过3%[1].长期以来,对外贸易顺差是拉动我国经济腾飞的三驾马车之一,剧烈的汇率波动无疑会对国际贸易产生重大影响,增加微观进出口企业风险,破坏国内宏观经济环境稳定,汇率波动引致的大量资本流动还促成了金融危机在国际间的传导,恶化了国内投资环境,因此,研究汇率的波动特征对于抑制汇率过度波动、稳定国家经济具有重要意义.另一方面,人民币在国际化的道路上大步向前,Barry Eichengreen教授认为货币分立已打破美元一币独大的局面,中国新时代不断深化的金融改革正将人民币推向世界.越来越多的国际投资者开始关注人民币,研究人民币汇率的波动性态,促进人民币的稳定性对于吸引国际投资者、加速人民币国际化具有重要的战略意义.