断断续续的晨钟,惊破了晓梦,树头鸟雀喳喳嘁嘁地叫个不住,没一会儿,天色便大亮了。梳洗完了,吃过早饭,整理了书籍,便上学去了。大地上晨曦明耀,空气清新,来来往往的行人,都是精神畅满,我这时心中忽然起了感触! 街上走的都是上学的学生和劳动的工人,喜喜欢欢勤勤恳恳地起手做自己的事业,不比那老爷先生们,还在那里酣睡。可敬可爱的学生!可钦可佩的劳动者!除了你们,别人也不能享受、不配享受这明耀的朝阳、清新的空气。
The intermittent morning bell shook the Xiaomeng, and the tree-headed bird spoke unbearably. It didn’t take long for the sky to brighten. After combing, eating breakfast, finishing books, and going to school. The earth was bright and bright, the air was fresh, and the pedestrians who came and went were all full of spirits. At that moment, my heart suddenly felt! The students on the street are the students who go to school and the labor workers. They like to work diligently. It is no better than the gentlemen and gentlemen who are doing their own business and are still sleeping there. Respectable and lovely students! Admirable laborers! In addition to you, others cannot enjoy or deserve to enjoy this bright morning sun and fresh air.