Through the field investigation in the lower reaches of Jing River, the section of the Holocene loess-paleosol with typical paleo-flood stagnant sediments was found in southeastern Yangshao Culture Relics, Yangguangzhai, Gaoling County. Photoluminescence (OSL) age of 40 ~ 63μm quartz was measured by monolithic regeneration dose method (SAR). The age values of the samples obtained from the profile ranged from 2.27 ± 0.06 ka to 14.26 ± 0.58 ka and showed a good correspondence with the depth of the strata. Based on the relationship between OSL age and its burial depth, the stratigraphic correlation of grain size and susceptibility data, and the archeological age of cultural layer, the basic age framework of the Holocene profile was determined. The results show that the first flood episode happened in the Jinghe River basin from 4.20 to 4.00 ka and the second flood event occurred from 3.20 to 2.80 ka. These ancient flood events, coincident with the global climate change event, are the responses of the Jinghe Basin climate and hydrological system to global changes.