●咱们知识分子有力量 “凭关系找市场”或“谁大胆谁发财”的时代一去不复返了,面对瞬息万变的市场格局,终于有一些“老板们”率先走出了靠拍脑袋决策的误区。不久前,中国首届策划峰会在上海举行。千里迢迢赶来的企业家们,一如医院门口候诊的病人,守在策划人下榻宾馆门前的政府官员,大有刘备三顾茅庐的虔诚,更有甚者,当场付大钱买策划人时间的有之;当场与策划人签订几十万元合约的有之;算准策划人到达机场时间而半路“劫持”的有之…… 占领市场不再是拼刺刀、炸碉堡的体力活,舞台上的风云人物当属长袖善舞的知识分子。何阳早就声称自己是“百万富翁”了;李光斗自称从事的是仅次于总统的职业,言下之意只有总统比他影响大;同李光斗的含蓄不同,王志纲则调侃地承认:“金钱只是顺带的结果。”
● Our intellectuals have the power to “find a market by relationship” or “who boldly make a fortune” is gone. In the face of rapidly changing market conditions, some “bosses” finally took the lead in making decisions Misunderstanding. Not long ago, the first China planning summit was held in Shanghai. Trinidad and Tobago come entrepreneurs, just as the patient waiting in front of the hospital, keep in front of the planners staying in front of the hotel government officials, a great deal of carefree piety, what is more, on the spot to pay big money to buy planners time ; On the spot and the planner signed a few hundred thousand contract there; calculate the planner to reach the airport time and half way “hijacking” of the ... occupation of the market is no longer spell bayonet, bomb bunker physical activity, the stage The man of the day comes as a long-sleeved dancer of intellectuals. He Yang long ago claimed that he was a “millionaire”; Li Guang-Dou claimed himself to be engaged only in the post-presidential profession, implying that only the president had a greater influence than him; and Li Guang-dou’s implicitly different from Wang Zhigang’s teasingly admitted: Money is only an incidental result. "