自从杜比推出数字环绕声(Dolby Digital,又称 AC-3)以来,由于它具有5.1个独立声道,音质优良,所以引得许多人心痒难熬,终日翘首以待,希望早日一闻风采。无奈 DVD 计划受阻,千呼万唤出不来。最终虽然妥协出来一个使用地区码的解决方案,但由于该方案给用户和销售者都造成了极大的不便,以致大家都兴味索然:用户不愿意买机器,软件厂商则因为机器的社会拥有量太少而不愿生产软件,软件数量少又导致用户更加不愿意买饥器……总之是陷入了一个恶性循环,前途暗淡。说不定一项好端端的新技术就会毁灭在商人们追逐利润的角斗之中,实在可悲。这样的事情在人类历史上已经屡见不鲜,DAT 技术不也是由于同样的原因而被逐出了民用市场吗?
Since Dolby Digital launched its Dolby Digital (also known as AC-3), because of its 5.1 independent channels, excellent sound quality, it attracted many people itching, long wait, hope to smell the wind soon. Helpless DVD plans blocked, long after can not come out. In the end, though, a solution using regional codes was compromised. However, due to the great inconvenience to both subscribers and sellers, everyone was very much at home: the users did not want to buy the machines, and the software vendors because of the social ownership of the machines Too few to be reluctant to produce software, the software is small and lead to users are more reluctant to buy a hunger ...... In short, is plunged into a vicious circle, the future bleak. It might be deplorable to say that a good new technology will be destroyed in the battle of profiteers. Such things are not uncommon in human history. Is DAT technology also being driven out of the civilian market for the same reason?