IT产业高速发展的脚步,似乎从未放缓。从高清到3D、从上网本到超级本、从UMPC到平板电脑、从音乐手机到智能终端、从iOS到Android、从WindowsVista到Windows 7甚至Win 8、从开心到微博、从物联网到云应用,一路走来,尽管表面上是热点不停轮回,各领风骚一、二年,但有一个始终在背后默默涌动着的“推手”却不得不引起我们的关注。在这个信息爆炸的代,每次新兴应用热点的交替,都会在不同程度上对数据存储技术提出新的挑战。而当时光轮转到2011年末的历史时刻,我们恍然看到,一个崭新的存储时代,正向我们快步走来,让我们相信存储技术将在2012年迎来又一个春天。
It seems that the pace of rapid development of IT industry has never slowed down. From HD to 3D, from netbooks to superbooks, from UMPCs to tablets, from music phones to smartphones, from iOS to Android, from WindowsVista to Windows 7 or even Win 8, from happy to weibo, from the Internet of Things to the cloud Along the way, despite the seemingly unheard-of hot spots, each leading one or two years ago, one of the “pushing hands” that has always been quietly behind us has drawn our attention. In the era of information explosion, the alternation of each emerging application hotspot will present new challenges to data storage technology to varying degrees. At the historical moment when the optical turn to the end of 2011, we suddenly realized that a brand new era of storage is moving forward to us and convincing us that storage technology will usher in another spring in 2012.