读者朋友们,快来挑战你的笑点吧!读完所有笑话还未发笑即为挑战成功。你也可以将自己或身边的趣事、笑话发送到120579668@q q.com,就有机会刊登在杂志上哦。机智的导游遇见一个导游。他说从前带团最头疼的就是游客到处乱走,必须不停点人头和找人。现在他弄了一个随身Wi-Fi,免费提供给团员连接。从此,游客们都紧紧跟着他,生怕离远了没信号。他再也不用担心队伍走散了。
Reader friends, Come and challenge your grin! Now that all jokes have not been laughed, the challenge is a success. You can also send interesting stories and jokes around you to 120579668 @ q q.com, so you have a chance to publish in the magazine. Witty guide meets a guide. He said that the most troublesome thing that led the tour was that tourists had to walk around and must stop nodding and looking for someone. Now he got a portable Wi-Fi, free to members to connect. Since then, tourists are following him closely, for fear of leaving no signal. He never had to worry about the team going away