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亚裔美国人的消费能力近年备受美国商界重视,当然事出有因。过去10年间,在美的亚裔人口已增长至730万,增幅高居外来移民之冠;而他们每户的平均年收入比一般美国家庭高出8000美元。调查表明,目前亚裔每年的商品消费额已高达380亿美元。因此,亚裔消费群成为美商争相挖掘的金矿。各厂商的行销部门,针对亚裔美国人独特的购物习性,竞相推出以亚裔为主要诉求的广告,这些东方口味的广告,果然达到其预期目的。美商发觉亚裔较偏好老字号及名产地的品牌,法国人头马白兰地的美国厂,在中文广告词中即标榜是产自白兰地故乡法国西南的干邑。果真奏效,目前每瓶110美元的人头马XO正在华人社区供不应求。安布啤酒厂推出8种粘度相异、具有中、日、南朝鲜不同风味的 The spending power of Asian Americans has been highly valued by the U.S. business community in recent years. Of course, there are causes. Over the past 10 years, the Asian American population in the United States has grown to 7.3 million, which is the highest rate of immigration; and the average annual income of each household is 8,000 US dollars higher than that of average American households. The survey shows that Asian Americans currently spend as much as 38 billion U.S. dollars annually. As a result, Asian consumers have become gold mines that American businesses are scrambling to excavate. The marketing departments of all manufacturers competed for the unique shopping habits of Asian Americans, and they competed to launch advertisements focusing on Asian Americans. These Oriental-style advertisements actually achieved their intended purpose. The American business found that Asian Americans preferred the brands of old brands and famous places of origin. The American factory of the French head brandy brand advertised in the Chinese advertisements was a cognac produced in the southwestern French country of Brandy. If it really works, the current $110 per head Remy Martin XO is in short supply in the Chinese community. Anbu Brewery launched eight different viscosity, with different flavors of China, Japan and South Korea
<正> 战后由23个国家发起于1948年成立的关税与贸易总协定是世界历史上第一次建立起的国际多边贸易体系。现在关贸总协定的缔约国和地区已经增加到107个,另外还有近30个国家
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