从销售统计可以看出,市场的主力永远是中低端产品,消费者大多数都不是发烧友,他们只会在有限的投资下选择性价比最高的产品,同心一号即是高性价比指导思想下的产物。 打开包装箱,这款售价和漫步者R1900Ⅱ相当的产品在外观上给我们的印象还算不错,黑亚光喷涂面板辅以仿原木纹侧板,简洁、典雅又不失时尚,外观工艺上目前基本还没有能出其右的型号(相同价位)。
From the sales statistics can be seen that the main force in the market will always be in the low-end products, most consumers are not enthusiasts, they will only choose the most cost-effective products under limited investment, Concentric is the cost-effective guiding ideology product. Open the box, this price and Cruiser R1900 Ⅱ equivalent to the appearance of the impression to us fairly well, black matt painted panels with imitation of wood grain side panels, simple, elegant yet stylish, the appearance of technology At present, the basic model has not yet out of the right (the same price).