对福建省 2 3个中、晚稻主栽品种进行了两年苗期人工接种和在病区 4个鉴定点采取田间自然诱发对叶瘟和穗颈瘟的鉴定 ,综合评定为中抗以上的品种有荆糯 6号、汕优 10号、特优 689、汕优 70、特优 70、汕优明 86等 6个品种 ;根据抗谱分析 ,汕优 10号抗性最强、抗谱最广 ,其次为荆糯 6号、特优 689,后 3个品种抗性较弱 ,抗谱较窄。文中对 2 a抗性鉴定不一致的品种以发病重的一年代表该品种的抗性作了论证 ;分析了 2 a抽穗期降雨日数基本相同而穗颈瘟发病情况却不同的原因 ,讨论了汕优多系 1号抗性变化的原因及继续培育抗病新品种的途径
The main cultivars of middle and late rice in Fujian Province were inoculated by seedling for two years at seedling stage and were naturally induced in the field to identify the leaf blast and panicle blast at 4 appraisal sites in Fujian Province. There Jinguan 6, Shanyou 10, Teyou 689, Shanyou 70, Teyou 70, Shanyouming 86 and other six varieties; anti-spectrum analysis, Shanyou 10 the strongest resistance, the most widely anti-spectrum , Followed by Jinguo 6 and Teyou 689. The latter 3 cultivars were weakly resistant and narrowly resistant. In this paper, the 2-year-old varieties with inconsistent identification of resistance were demonstrated with the heavy one-year-old representative of the resistance of the breed. The reasons for the similar numbers of rainy days at 2-day heading stage and different occurrences of panicle neck blast were analyzed. Reasons for the Change of Resistance of Yeduo 1 and the Way to Cultivate New Resistant Varieties