“语言是思想的直接现实”(马克思语),作文的本质就是作者根据相关要求进行的某一特定思维过程的文字记录。常见的作文毛病其实也是学生思维的缺陷:“内容空洞”是思想贫乏的体现;“文理不通”其实就是思维阻滞的结果。因此,离开了思维训练这个根本,而单纯以语言文字着手去寻求作文教学的最佳途径,显然是舍本逐末。 基于以上认识,近年来,笔者针对小学、初中阶段作文训练偏重于语言训练、偏重于感性积累的情况,要求高中生侧重于思维训练,侧重于理性引导,
“Language is the direct reality of thought” (Marx), the essence of writing is the written record of a particular thinking process performed by the author according to relevant requirements. The common essay problems are also the defects of students’ thinking: “Content void” is the embodiment of poor thinking; “Literature and art unreasonable” is actually the result of thinking block. Therefore, leaving the basics of thinking training, and simply using language and writing to find the best way to teach composition, is clearly the ultimate solution. Based on the above understanding, in recent years, the author focused on the situation of primary and junior high school essay training focusing on language training and emphasizing on emotional accumulation, requiring high school students to focus on thinking training, focusing on rational guidance.