
来源 :汽车维护与修理 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:green7116xxx
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故障现象一辆2008款1.8 L自动挡福克斯三厢车,行驶里程为6万km。在行驶过程中,只要踩下制动踏板,正常工作的前照灯就会自动关闭,而且,如果接通空调后踩下制动踏板,空调鼓风机就会自动断开。故障诊断试车发现,不踩制动踏板时一切正常,但只要踩下制动踏板,正常工作的车辆的前照灯和鼓风机就会自动断开,空调系统停止工作(鼓风机断开导致空调压缩机停止工作)。此外,还有一个异常现象:在点火开关接通,车门打开的情况下,室内顶灯会点亮,此时若踩下制动踏板,顶灯会 Symptoms A 2008 1.8 L self-propelled Fox sedan with a mileage of 60,000 km. The normal operation of the headlamp will automatically shut down as soon as the brake pedal is depressed while driving, and the air conditioner blower will automatically disconnect if the brake pedal is depressed after switching on the air conditioner. Troubleshooting Test run found that normal operation without brake pedal, but as long as the brake pedal is pressed, the normal operation of the vehicle headlights and blowers will automatically disconnect the air conditioning system to stop working (blower disconnect air conditioner compressor stop working). In addition, there is an anomaly: the ignition switch is turned on, the door open case, the ceiling lamp will light, at this time if the brake pedal is depressed, the dome will be
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笔者是个地道的书迷,平日缩衣节食 购了不少书,家中说是四壁皆书也不为 过。我也是个地道的网迷,平时挂在网上 的时候不比睡在床上的时候少。书迷加网 迷─—自然是看书了!起初只
话说“多日并出” 2001年第6期《发明与革新》·世界真奇妙专栏转载了《北京青年报》的一则消息——《北京惊现“三日同辉”奇观》文中引用北京市专业气象工程师李德广关
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