9月5日,为期三天的2014韩国国际纺织展览会(Preview in Seoul 2014简称PIS)在韩国首尔COEX展览中心闭幕。始办于2000年的PIS展今年迎来第15届,无论从展会面积还是参展企业的数量今年都创下历史新高,从一个侧面反映出国际纺织业在行业处于低迷时期,仍在积极拓展市场,力争在新一轮竞争中有所突破。韩国总理等政府官员出席了9月3日的开幕式,并参观展会。新任韩国纤维产业联合会会长Kihak Sung在展会开幕当天指出:“面对世界纺织经济的新调整,韩
On September 5, the three-day Preview in Seoul 2014 (PIS) will be closed at the COEX Exhibition Center in Seoul, Korea. The PIS exhibition started in 2000 ushered in the 15th this year, no matter from the exhibition area or the number of participating enterprises have hit a record high this year, from one aspect reflects the international textile industry in the industry in a downturn, is still actively expanding the market, Strive to make a breakthrough in the new round of competition. Officials such as South Korea’s Prime Minister attended the opening ceremony on September 3 and visited the show. Kihak Sung, the new president of the Federation of Korean Fiber Industries, pointed out on the opening day of the show: ”In the face of the new adjustment of the world textile economy,