鏖战15天的第12届亚运会终于在日本广岛降下了帷幕,中国体育代表团以勇夺137枚金牌、创造多项世界纪录和亚洲纪录的骄人成绩捍卫了自己的亚洲体育王国的地位,同时大大弘扬了民族精神,再次向世人显示了改革开放时代的中华民族拼搏进取、奋发向上的精神风貌,给正阔步向前,奋力向经济大国挺进的全国各族人民以极大的鼓舞。 在烽烟四起的亚运会赛场上时时可以看到高扬的五星红旗,
15 days of fierce battle of the 12th Asian Games finally reached the end of Hiroshima in Japan, the Chinese sports delegation to win 137 gold medals, to create a number of world records and Asian record impressive achievements to defend the status of their Asian sports kingdom, At the same time, it has greatly promoted the national spirit and once again demonstrated to the world the spirit of the Chinese nation in its reform and opening-up era that it is hard working and enterprising. It strives to inspire the people of all nationalities throughout the country who are striding forward to economic power. In the beating of the Asian Games stadium all the time you can see the high five-star red flag,