《电影评介》编辑部: 收读贵刊第五期陈千同志记述我的谈活,颇狼狈。陈千同志对我个人的信任,溢于言表,这我要认真感谢他。但信任有个量的问题,比方说吧,电影拥有大最观众,尤其是五十年代初,它在观众数量上的优势,是绝对的。我便是基于这样的认识从事影评的。但做任何事情,主观上具有何种决心,与客观上具有何种条件,并不是一回事。我的前期从一九五○年到一九五六年,时间只有七年。后期则是从一九七九年九月到现在,实际时间还不到五年,一共加起来,也只有十二年,中间和电影隔绝的时间则是二十二年!专访说我“写影评的历史已经有五十个春秋”真把我自己也吓了一大跳! 除了量,也还有个严格要求问题,或者说学风问题。是怎样,就怎样;知道多少,说多少。昨天
“Film Review” Editorial Department: Read your fifth issue Comrade Chen Qian recount my talk, quite embarrassed. Comrade Chen Qian has personally shown me confidence in myself, and I hereby thank him very seriously. However, there is a certain amount of trust in the issue of trust. Let’s say the movie has the largest audience, especially in the early 1950s. Its advantage in the number of viewers is absolute. I did the criticism based on this recognition. However, to do anything, what kind of determination is subjective, and objectively what kind of conditions are not the same thing. My period from 1950 to 1956 was only seven years. The latter is from September 1979 until now, the actual time of less than five years, a total of add up, only 12 years, the middle and the film isolated time is twenty-two years! Interview that I “write The history of film criticism has been 50 years of Spring and Autumn ”really put myself shocked! In addition to the volume, there is also a strict requirement, or style of study. What is it, how it is; how much to say, how much. yesterday