青稞,即裸大麦(Hordeum vulgare L.var.nudum Hook.f.),是西藏的古老作物。历史上一般春播,4~5月播种,8~9月收割,全生育期(从播种到成熟)为120~150天。近几年来,西藏不少地方特别是东南部将当地春青稞品种秋播,称为冬青稞。由于秋播,青稞在植株性状上发生了一系列的变化。根据我们1976年在昌都地区考察时收集的数十块田的资料来看(表1),冬青稞比春青稞具有以下明显特点:植株粗壮,根系发达,单株成穗多,穗子大,每穗总小穗数与结实粒数多,千粒重大。例如在芒康县徐中公社的典型田块测定结果:地力、施肥量等条件基本一致,每亩穗数13~15万的情况下,同品
Barley, the bare barley (Hordeum vulgare L.var. Nudum Hook.f.), is an ancient crop in Tibet. The general history of spring sowing, April to May sowing, August to September harvest, the whole growth period (from sowing to maturity) for 120 to 150 days. In recent years, many places in Tibet, especially the southeastern part of the spring seasons, the local varieties of autumn seeding, known as the holly shrew. Owing to the autumn sowing, a series of changes have taken place in plant traits. According to the data of dozens of plots collected in our survey in the Qamdo area in 1976 (Table 1), Hollyflyer has the following distinctive features as compared with that of Chingchuankang: sturdy plants, developed root systems, The total number of spikelets and grains of spikes and thousand grains are significant. For example, in Xuchang Commune Commune, the typical plots measured results: fertility, fertilization and other conditions are basically the same, the number of spike per acre 13 to 150,000, the same