加盖发文机关印章是公文处理工作的重要环节。《党政机关公文处理工作条例》和《党政机关公文格式》(GB/T 9704—2012,以下简称“新国标”)对加盖印章的方法作出了明确规定,但在办文实践中,还是存在印章使用不规范、不准确的情况,影响办文质量。关于加盖发文机关印章,应注意把握以下几个要点。1.印章与发文机关署名、成文日期三者不可或缺。印章与发文机关署名和成文日期一起
Stamped with the organ issuing the seal is an important part of official document processing. The Regulations on the Handling of Official Documents in Party and Government Organizations and the Official Document Format of Party and Government Organizations (GB / T 9704-2012, hereinafter referred to as the “new national standard”) clearly stipulate the method of stamping, however, There is still the use of stamps is not standardized, inaccurate, affecting the quality of the text. On stamped with the organ seal, should pay attention to grasp the following points. 1. Seal and the issuing authority signature, written date of the three indispensable. Seal with the issuing authority signature and written date together