早期宣传西方社会伦理学说 ,而晚些时候又转回到中国固有的礼教体系中进行反思 ,这种典型的文化现象在近代许多思想家身上有着惊人相似的一幕 ,如康有为、梁启超、章太炎、刘师培等人。笔者试图在已有的研究成果基础上 ,将其置于各种政治、经济、文化因素交织的社会网络体系中动态地考察 ,就其形成原因提出了一些看法 :近代政治裁决伦理 ,资本主义的残酷性及半封建经济为近代特殊的社会伦理“回归”思潮提供了温床
Early propaganda of Western social ethics, and later turn back to China’s inherent system of ethics for reflection, this typical cultural phenomenon in many modern thinkers have a strikingly similar scene, such as Kang Youwei, Liang Qichao, Zhang Taiyan, Liu Shipei, etc. people. Based on the existing research results, the author attempts to investigate dynamically in the social network systems with various political, economic and cultural factors and gives some reasons for its formation: modern political ruling ethics, capitalist The cruelty and semi-feudal economy provided a hotbed for the “return” trend of the social ethic in modern times