孤单的吉它诗人——Nick Drake

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虽然Nick Drake已经去世30年了,但是他慵懒的音乐和独特的吉它演奏继续着深远的影响。Nick Drake只发行了三张专辑:《Five Leaves Left》(1969)、《Bryter Layer》(1970)和《Pink Moon》(1972),而在他的有生之年这些专辑加起来的销量也只有2万张。但是在过去的30年当中,这31首歌曲给所有的听众都下了魔咒,包括了一系列的艺术大师:Peter Buck、Paul Weller、Kate Bush和John Marty。具有讽刺意味的是,Nick Drake直到现在才拥有了生前渴望但一直在擦肩而过的知名度——那种随着时间 Although Nick Drake has been dead for 30 years, his lazy music and unique guitar playing continue to have far-reaching consequences. Nick Drake released only three albums: “Five Leaves Left” (1969), “Bryter Layer” (1970) and “Pink Moon” (1972), and in his lifetime these albums combined sales only 20,000 . But over the past 30 years, these 31 songs have been cursed to all audiences, including a series of masters of art: Peter Buck, Paul Weller, Kate Bush and John Marty. Ironically, Nick Drake has until now not only the long-awaited but long-cherished reputation of being alive - that over time
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在加盟湖人的第4年,“大鲨鱼”奥尼尔走到了自己的巅峰。作为史上最庞大的中锋,他出赛79场,场均打满40分钟。57.4%的命中率联盟第一,投中956球联盟第一,全季336个进攻篮板、742个防守篮板和总计1078个篮板球联盟第二,场均3次封盖联盟第三。场均29.7分,职业生涯第二度得分王。和邓肯分享全明星MVP,并在常规赛MVP的第一选票里获得120:1的统治性优势。  比数据和荣誉更耀眼的,是只有