跌宕起伏的剧情、推理精彩、悬疑不断,维系着观众的观影兴趣,成为目前电视剧生产和消费的热点之一。进入新世纪以来,特别是在2 0 0 9年,国庆6 0周年之际,各种风格题材的谍战剧占据了主流电视媒体的黄金时段。观众对于谍战剧的热情也是有增不减。谍战剧呈现出不同以往的风格特色,更有其深层次的时代内涵和文化意义。
Ups and downs of the plot, wonderful reasoning, suspense continue to maintain the audience’s interest in watching movies, becoming the current TV production and consumption of one of the hot spots. Since the beginning of the new century, especially during the 60th anniversary of the 60th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China, spy-war drama of various genres has occupied the prime time of the mainstream television media. The audience’s enthusiasm for spy-war drama is also increasing. Spy-war drama presents a different style of the past, but also its deep-seated connotation of the times and cultural significance.