中国首批上海高校学生获国家职业资格证书 14家用人单位与84名获证学生当场签约“双师型”老师受青睐资格考再添15个专业据上海市职业技能鉴定中心主任顾国平说,这次由上海市劳动和社会保障局颁发的类似护照签证式的“国家职业资格证书”是区别于社会上现有的5本5种颜色的初级、中级、高级、技师和高级技师证书的第六种新证书,国家目前率先在上海试行,这是上海的荣幸。本刊记者
According to Gu Guoping, director of the Shanghai Occupational Skill Testing Center, 14 home-use units and 84 certified students sign on the spot. “Double-qualified” teachers are favored. The “National Vocational Qualification Certificate” issued by the Shanghai Labor and Social Security Bureau that is similar to the passport type of passport issued by the Shanghai Municipal Labor and Social Security Bureau is different from the existing five kinds of junior, intermediate, senior, technician and senior technician certificates in five colors Six kinds of new certificates, the country is currently the first pilot in Shanghai, Shanghai is honored. Correspondents