
来源 :深圳大学学报(人文社会科学版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lkstudybitcc2008
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案件事实的形成在构成要件符合性判断中处于核心位置。司法实践对案件事实的形成存在诸多误区,使得刑法规范与案件事实难以恰如其分地对应。案件事实的形成应该以刑法规范为指导。对于案件事实,既要全面评价,又要禁止重复评价。当案件存在合理怀疑时,应该做出对被告人有利的裁决。在方法上应该坚持类型思维的方法,注重类比推理,同时应该正确适用举轻以明重、举重以明轻的方法。 The formation of the facts of the case is at the core of the judgment of the conformity of the constituent elements. Judicial practice has many misunderstandings on the formation of the facts of the case, making it difficult to properly correspond the criminal law norms and the facts of the case. The formation of the facts of the case should be guided by the norms of criminal law. For the facts of the case, it is necessary to fully evaluate, but also to prohibit repeated evaluation. When there is reasonable doubt about the case, a ruling on the defendant’s favor should be made. In the method should adhere to the type of thinking method, focusing on analogical reasoning, and should be properly applied to light and clear weight, weight-lifting method of light.
关于翻译质量的论述是当下国内外译学热点话题之一。与此同时,对于翻译研究自身著述的翻译质量,译学却鲜有论及。本文以The Scandals of Translation汉译本为例,通过对The Sc