目的:对江陵县血吸虫病疫情进行分析,掌握血吸虫病流行趋势。方法收集2004-2013年江陵县血吸虫病疫情资料,对人群、耕牛病情和钉螺情况等进行分析,计算人和耕牛血吸虫感染率、钉螺感染率等疫情指标。结果人群血吸虫感染率由2004年的10.22%下降到2013年的0.63%,下降幅度为93.84%。其中,2009-2013年人群血吸虫感染率的下降幅度较大,为76.92%。耕牛感染率呈总体下降趋势,由2004年的7.59%下降至2013年的0,下降了100%。活螺框出现率和钉螺感染率分别下降了17.53%、100%。结论通过10年防治,江陵县血吸虫病疫情已整体处于较低水平,但依然存在传播风险,应继续加强实施以血吸虫病传染源控制为主的综合防治策略。“,”Objective To analyze the schistosomiasis endemic situation and understand its transmission trend in Jiangling County from 2004 to 2013 so as to improving the schistosomiasis control. Methods The relevant data of schistosomiasis were collected and analyzed statistically in Jiangling county from 2004-2013. Results The human prevalence of schistosomiasis was decreased from 10.22%in 2004 to 0.63%in 2013 with the descend rate of 93.84% and the notable descend rate was 76.92%from 2009-2013. The cattle infection rate was decreased yearly from 7.59%in 2004 to 0 in 2013. The appearance rate of frames with living Oncomelaniahupensissnails and the infection rate of snails reduce by 17.53%and 100%respectively. Conclusions Af?ter 10?year control the endemic situation of schistosomiasis in Jiangling County decreases and is at a low level. However the risk factors of transmission still exist. Therefore the comprehensive control measures still should be enhanced continuously.