浑善达克沙地地质资料研究结果表明, 全新世夏季风存在多次盛衰变化, 有6次强盛期和7次衰弱期, 受季风周期性变化的影响气候湿润度及地表植被发生相似的周期性变化. 其中夏季风强盛、冬季风衰弱、湿度相对较大和地表植被盖度增大的时期与全球变化的温暖事件对应; 夏季风衰弱、冬季风增强、湿度相对减小和地表植被盖度减小的时期与中低纬度地区干旱事件和北大西洋寒冷事件对应. 而夏季风强度变化存在1456和494年的变化周期, 其变化韵律与全新世全球性寒暖变化保持一致.
The results from the geological data of the Hunshandake Sandy Area show that the Holocene monsoon has several ups and downs, with six periods of strong and seven periods of weakening. Due to the cyclical changes of the monsoon, the climate humidities and similar periods of vegetation cover Where the strong summer monsoon, weak winter monsoon, relatively high humidity and the increase of vegetation cover correspond with the global warming events; the weakening of summer monsoon, the increase of winter monsoon, the relative decrease of humidity and the decrease of vegetation cover The small period corresponds to the drought event in the middle and low latitudes and the North Atlantic cold event, while the summer monsoon intensity changes in the period of 1456 and 494, and its changing rhythm is consistent with the global cold and warm changes in the Holocene.