石钻子,学名四川清风藤(Sabia schumanniana Diels)系清风藤科植物,药用根部,民间常用于治疗感冒、咳嗽、跌打损伤、毒蛇咬伤,赣南民间用于治疗慢性气管炎。经临床验证1031例,有效率达93.2%,显效率60%以上,对咳、痰、喘均有较好的效果,尤其是远期疗效值得重视。我们遵照伟大领袖毛主席关于“中国医药学是一个伟大的宝库,应当努力发掘,加以提高”的教导,开展了化学与药理的研究。现将我们的初步工作总结如下:
The stone drill, scientific name Sabia schumanniana Diels, is a member of the breezy cane family. It has medicinal roots and is commonly used for the treatment of colds, coughs, bruises, snake bites, and folks in southern Jiangxi to treat chronic bronchitis. 1031 cases have been clinically verified, with an effective rate of 93.2%, and an apparent efficiency of more than 60%. They have good effects on cough, sputum, and asthma, especially for long-term efficacy. We followed the guidance of the great leader, Chairman Mao, on “Chinese medicine is a great treasure house and should be diligently explored and improved.” We conducted research on chemistry and pharmacology. We now summarize our preliminary work as follows: