
来源 :中学英语之友·初一版 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wlszzj
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  Wearing the Wrong Boots
  A man went out with the wrong boots, one with a thick sole and the other with a thin one. As he began to walk, he felt uncomfortable for one foot was higher than the other. He felt this strange and said, “Is there something wrong with my legs today? Why is one of my legs long, and the other short?”
  A passer-by told him that he was wearing the wrong boots. He looked down and found that it was really so. He hastily asked his servant to go back home and get another pair.
  In a little while the servant ran back empty-handed. “There’s no need to change them,” he said. “The pair at home is the same, one with a thick sole and the other with a thin one.”
  Been Okay
  A young couple was becoming anxious about their four-year-old son, who had not yet talked. They took him to specialists, but the doctors found nothing wrong with him.
  Then one morning at breakfast the boy suddenly blurted, “Mom, the toast is burned.”
  “You talked! You talked!” shouted his mother. “I’m so happy! But why has it taken this long?”
  “Well, up till now,” said the boy, “things have been okay.”
如果说《斜塔上的实验》通过描述伽利略发现摆的规律、自由落体定律的经过和他孩童、学生时的情况,表现了他不轻信权威,坚持用实验来检验理论、探索新理论的科学思想和热爱科学、勇于创新、甘为科学献身的精神的话,那么本文则侧重通过钱学森爱国的具体行动以及美国当局态度的侧面烘托,展现了中国科学家高度的民族使命感和为祖国奉献一切的伟大精神。  [读有所思]  比起钱学森惊人的科学领域的成就,作者更欣赏的是他的什么