课堂导入是英语课堂教学的重要环节之一,一堂课导入的成败直接影响整堂课的效果。精彩的课堂导入能吸引学生,拉近与学生的距离,提高学生学习积极性,评价英语课堂导入教学效果,一直是教学理论和教学实践的热点问题。以往通常采用事后评定的办法,被评者零散地记录评课教师的建议,然后自己归纳总结各个教学环节,评课效率低。本篇文章将借鉴微格教学方法 ,结合初中英语课堂教学导入实际,采用英语课堂录像评价反馈的方法 ,分析教师的课堂导入结构,提高课堂效率。
The introduction of the classroom is an important part of the English classroom teaching, the success or failure of a class introduction directly affect the whole class effect. The wonderful classroom introduction can attract students, narrow the distance with the students, improve students’ enthusiasm for learning, and evaluate the effect of English classroom teaching. It has always been a hot issue in teaching theory and teaching practice. In the past, the method of ex post facto assessment was often adopted. The critics scattered records of teachers’ suggestions, and then concluded their own teaching links and evaluated the lesson efficiently. This article will learn from Microteaching methods, combined with the introduction of English classroom teaching in junior high school, using English classroom video feedback method of evaluation, analysis of classroom teachers into the structure, improve classroom efficiency.