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鲁迅曾肯定和赞美苏联,但鲁迅对苏联也有所犹疑,以婉曲的形式对苏联进行批评。理智上对社会变革的认同与感情上对社会变革以恶的形式来实现的的抵拒,酿成了鲁迅苏联观的复杂,从而呈现出坚信与犹疑的的纠结。鲁迅作为一位世界级的大知识分子,有着无与伦比的独立意识和人格,同任何权力保持着距离,他对社会和历史的观察与审视有着自己独特的角度,可谓变视角。他认为沙皇专制制度被革命推翻而为新的苏维埃政权所取代不可避免,而这个政权使穷人得了好处,所以鲁迅欢迎它;但它在建立和巩固的过程中有那么多的“血”(“使用方式”)和“污秽”(“道德后果”)使得鲁迅对其颇有微词。鲁迅意识到革命手段与革命目的之间存在着悖论,而手段的暴烈会导致结果的暴烈,所以他更属意于“较有秩序”的“改革”。知识分子的历史使命就在于力促“较有秩序”的“改革”;而当暴烈的革命不可避免地发生时,要用尽浑身解数,使得在“恶”的形式进行的社会变革尽量付出最小的代价。这就是今天研究鲁迅的苏联观的现实意义:不独是对中国的,也是对世界的。 Lu Xun once affirmed and praised the Soviet Union, but Lu Xun also made some hesitation toward the Soviet Union and criticized the Soviet Union in the form of a poignant song. Sensible recognition of social change and emotional rejection of social change in the form of evil led to the complexity of Lu Xun’s view of the Soviet Union, showing a tangled conviction and hesitation. As a world-class intellectual, Lu Xun has an unparalleled sense of independence and personality, and maintains a distance with any power. His observation and examination of society and history have their own unique point of view. He considered the autocratic tsarist regime to be overthrown by revolution and the inevitable replacement of the new Soviet regime, which benefited the poor so that Lu Xun welcomed it. But in the course of its establishment and consolidation there are so many “bloods” ( “Usage ”) and “Contour ” ( “Moral Consequences ”) made Lu Xun quite meager. When Lu Xun realized that there was a paradox between the revolutionary means and the revolutionary purpose, and the violent means would lead to violent results, he was more interested in “reform” of “more orderliness.” The historic mission of intellectuals lies in urging the “reform” of “more orderly.” When the violent revolution inevitably takes place, it is necessary to exhaust all means to make it in the form of “evil” Social change try to pay the smallest price. This is the realistic significance of studying Lu Xun’s concept of the Soviet Union today: not only for China but also for the world.
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