从1901年到1911年,清朝政府进行了一场政治、经济、文化上的全面改革,史称“晚清新政”。这场改革在中国近代史上留下了重重的一笔,对中国社会的现代化进程起到了一定的推动作用。 晚清政府实行的新政主要表现在三个方面: (一)废除科举考试制度,兴办西学,提倡出国留学。1901年9月,清政府下令,同意恢复戊戍变法时成立的京师大学堂,并把原有的书院改成学堂,要求各省城设立大学堂,各府设中学堂,各县设小学堂。上谕曰:“除京师已设大学堂应行切实整顿外,着各省所有书院,于省城均改设大学堂。各省及直隶州均设中学堂,各州县均设小学堂,并各设蒙养
From 1901 to 1911, the Qing government conducted a comprehensive political, economic and cultural reform, known as “the late Qing New Deal.” This reform has left a great deal in the modern history of China and has played a certain role in promoting the process of the modernization of Chinese society. The New Deal introduced by the government in late Qing Dynasty mainly manifested in three aspects: (1) to abolish the examination system, set up Western learning and promote study abroad. In September 1901, the Qing government ordered and agreed to resign the capital university established at the time of the reform of the Peoples Republic of China and changed the original academy into a school. All the provincial cities were required to set up a university college, each government set a secondary school, and each county set up a primary school . The encyclical said: "In addition to the Imperial College has set up the university should be practically rectification, all the provinces and colleges, in the provincial capital are re-established the university. Provinces and Chihli state secondary schools are located, all counties have primary schools, and each Set Meng Yang