关醒凡教授带领富有经验的设计人员和博士、硕士研究生,开发泵的新产品、新技术简介如下: PCAD 2000水力设计与绘型软件按关醒凡教授编著《现代泵技术手册》上的设计方法及程序编程,条理清楚,理论性强,并吸收了关醒凡教授四十年设计各种泵模型的实践之精髓,可谓是四十年设计经验与现代计算机技术有机结合的佳作,目前上海川源、宝钢环保泵厂、上海电力修造厂、上海莲盛、上海东方、上海开利等国内外六十多家泵企业使用。
Guan Xing Professor led the experienced designers and Ph.D., master’s degree students, the development of new products pump, new technology is as follows: PCAD 2000 hydraulic design and drawing software Kuan off Professor Van edited the “Modern Pump Technology Manual” on the design methods and programming , Well-organized, theoretical and strong, and incorporates the essence of 40 years of design practice Professor Pumping Professor Fan design pump model can be described as 40 years of design experience and modern computer technology masterpiece, the current Shanghai Chuan Yuan, Baosteel environmental protection pump Shanghai Electric Power Plant, Shanghai Lian Sheng, Shanghai Oriental, Shanghai Carrier and other domestic and foreign more than 60 pump companies to use.