1病例报道例1,患儿,男,5岁。以“腹痛、呕吐伴发热3 d”入院,查体:体温37·8℃,精神差,咽稍红,心肺未闻及异常,腹软,脐周轻压痛,无反跳痛,肠鸣音存在。查WBC 7.9×109/L,GR 1.8×109/L,胸腹X线平片示双肺纹理稍增粗,腹部肠管稍积气扩张,未见液平。入院诊断:急性胃炎。给予补液
1 case report 1, children, male, 5 years old. To “abdominal pain, vomiting with fever 3 d” admission, physical examination: body temperature 37.8 ℃, poor spirit, slightly red throat, heart and lung no smell and abnormal, soft abdominal, umbilical tenderness, no rebound pain, bowel sounds exist. Check WBC 7.9 × 109 / L, GR 1.8 × 109 / L, chest and abdomen X-ray film showed a slight thickening of the lungs, abdomen bowel slightly dilated, no level. Admission diagnosis: Acute gastritis. Give rehydration