This paper is devoted to studying Bergman spaces Apω1,2 (M) (1 < p < ∞) induced by regular-weight ω1,2 on annulus M. We characterize the function f in L1ω1,
In this paper, we show that every super weakly compact convex subset of a Banach space is an absolute uniform retract, and that it also admits the uniform compa
Denote a semisimple Banach algebra with an identity e by A. This paper studies the Fredholm, Weyl and Browder spectral theories in a semisimple Banach algebra,
In this paper, distributed estimation of high-dimensional sparse precision matrix is pro-posed based on the debiased D-trace loss penalized lasso and the hard t
A new theoretical thermomechanical explanation of the uneven transverse temperature distribution,along the width for thin and wide hot rolled strip was proposed